September 5, 2024

How to Prepare Your Home for a Major Remodel

Family repairs. Couple at home. Woman in a pink blouse

Preparing for a major remodel can be overwhelming. But with the right steps, you can make the process smoother and less stressful. Here’s how to get your home ready for a big renovation.

Plan Ahead

Start with a solid plan. Know what you want to achieve and set clear goals. Make a list of must-haves and nice-to-haves. This will help you stay focused and within budget.

My friend Sarah made a detailed plan for her kitchen remodel. She listed everything from new cabinets to paint colours. It kept her on track and avoided last-minute changes.

Set a Budget

Budgeting is crucial. Determine how much you’re willing to spend. Leave some wiggle room for unexpected expenses.

Mark set a budget for his bathroom remodel. He included a buffer for surprises. When he found a plumbing issue, he was prepared and didn’t stress over the extra cost.

Hire the Right Professionals

Choose experienced and reliable professionals. Check references and read reviews. A good contractor can make all the difference.

Jenny hired a contractor with excellent reviews for her basement remodel. He kept the project on schedule and within budget. Her basement turned out exactly as she imagined.

Declutter and Pack

Clear out the area to be remodelled. Remove furniture, décor, and personal items. Pack them safely to avoid damage.

Tom packed up his living room before starting his remodel. He rented a storage unit for the big items. It made the work easier and protected his belongings.

Protect Your Home

Cover floors and seal off other rooms to keep dust and debris contained. Use plastic sheeting and painter’s tape to create barriers.

Lisa covered her hardwood floors with protective sheets. She also sealed off the kitchen with plastic. It kept the dust from spreading throughout the house.

Prepare for Noise and Disruption

Remodelling is noisy and disruptive. Prepare yourself and your family for the inconvenience. Plan for alternate living arrangements if necessary.

When Mike remodelled his entire first floor, he moved his family to a rental for a month. It was worth the extra cost to avoid the chaos.

Stay Safe

Safety is a top priority. Ensure everyone knows the safety rules. Wear proper safety gear, especially when visiting the construction site. If working at heights, use the best equipment available. Check out these arc flash harnesses for the best protection.

My neighbour Jim didn’t use proper safety gear during his remodel. He ended up with a nasty fall. Don’t be like Jim. Prioritize safety.

Communicate Clearly

Keep communication open with your contractor. Regular updates help avoid misunderstandings and keep the project on track.

Sarah set up weekly meetings with her contractor. They discussed progress and any issues. It kept everyone on the same page.

Plan for Delays

Expect delays. Weather, supply issues, and unforeseen problems can slow down the project. Stay flexible and patient.

Jenny’s remodel hit a snag when a storm delayed material deliveries. She stayed calm and adjusted her timeline. The end result was worth the wait.

Final Walkthrough

Before the project wraps up, do a final walkthrough. Make sure everything meets your expectations. Address any concerns before making the final payment.

Tom’s contractor did a final walkthrough with him. They checked every detail. Tom was thrilled with the result and happily made the final payment.


Preparing for a major remodel takes time and effort. But with careful planning, clear communication, and a focus on safety, you can make the process smoother. Get ready for the transformation and enjoy your newly remodelled home.


Image by prostooleh on Freepik