July 25, 2024

Four customer profiles tradesmen might recognise and how best to meet their needs


During a renovation, customers will be investing their money, time and hope into the project so building a strong, positive bond with the customer will be crucial to earning their trust. Understanding how each customer differs, what matters to them most, and how best to communicate with them will help deliver a first-class service every time.

Houzz.co.uk, the leading platform for home renovation and design, has consulted with its community of professionals, which now totals more than 2.7 million globally, to draw up a list of the four archetypes of clients that every professional in the sector should know and how to prepare to better meet their needs:

The indecisive

These are the type of clients who, when faced with multiple possibilities, struggle to make a decision – sometimes taking up a lot of valuable time, or putting things behind schedule. There are several reasons why a client may behave in this way. It might be their first renovation project, and they’re afraid of making a wrong decision. Or they might feel as though they don’t have enough information. And there are some people who just don’t like the pressure of making decisions.

Professionals on Houzz advise guiding this customer from start to finish so that they are aware that, in every step they take, they are doing the right thing. The professional must accompany, reassure and understand what the client’s needs are, to ensure that their wishes are fully satisfied. With tools like Houzz Pro, professionals can create detailed proposals and clients can approve or reject them, in whole or in part. The process is fluid and fast, and illustrative materials can be included, helping the client to really visualise every decision they’re making.

The budget-conscious

For many clients, staying on budget is the top priority. According to the latest Houzz & Home report, 18% of homeowners selected “sticking to the budget” as one of the main difficulties encountered during home renovations. However, this should not be seen as an obstacle for professionals, but rather as an opportunity to come up with creative ideas and gain the trust of the client.

To establish a budget, the first thing to do is define what the client’s wishes and expectations are. Professionals must create as accurate a picture as possible in the mind of the customer of what the end result will be so that they can understand whether the estimated amount will be realistic. A good method used by professionals on Houzz to reassure a client is to offer real examples from past projects.

In addition, with Houzz Pro all communications are centralised and financial documents can be signed digitally so both the homeowner and the professional have transparency in all financial decisions that are made, including any budget changes.

The expert

This customer knows exactly what they want, might have previous experience with renovation projects, reads all the specialised magazines and has done a lot of research before starting. Therefore their expectations and level of demand are very high, so they can pose a real challenge for professionals.

Professionals on Houzz suggest in these cases it’s important to guarantee impeccable service, anticipate needs and always be willing to offer new ideas. For this type of client, the visual and practical aspects of a project are very important, so it is advisable to make detailed and updated mood boards and prototypes available at all times. Being prepared with attractive proposals, mood boards and 3D visualisations will help the client see the real benefits of the project with their own eyes.

The fearful

According to the latest Houzz & Home report, 17% of homeowners said that one of the most difficult challenges when redesigning a space is “managing the unexpected.” Well, the fearful client is distinguished from all the others by the fear that everything could go in the opposite direction to their expectations, especially in the execution phase of the project.

According to the experience of professionals on Houzz, it is important that the professional, in these cases, has a great capacity to manage contingencies and clearly defines every step during the project development.

Also in this typology, the fundamental factor is communication. Updating the client on all the steps and changes of direction of the project to avoid any surprises will be key. Within Houzz Pro, professionals are able to share a personalised client dashboard, where the homeowner can access the full communication history, financial documents and daily logs of activity on-site, as well as the project timeline, helping them to feel confident about the status of their project and enjoying the process from start to finish.

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